
王楠楠, 石秀兰, 邵艳清, 张文兴

中国医院药学杂志 ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (22) : 2019-2023.

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中国医院药学杂志 ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (22) : 2019-2023. DOI: 10.13286/j.cnki.chinhosppharmacyj.2016.22.21


  • 王楠楠1, 石秀兰1, 邵艳清1, 张文兴2
作者信息 +

Analysis of off-label drug use and related adverse drug events in orthopedics outpatient prescriptions in a tertiary class A hospital

  • WANG Nan-nan1, SHI Xiu-lan1, SHAO Yan-qing1, ZHANG Wen-xing2
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文章历史 +




OBJECTIVE To analyze off-label drug use and adverse drug events (ADE) in orthopedics outpatient prescriptions in a tertiary class A hospital in Huhhot.METHODS Prescriptions of orthopedics outpatients were randomly selected from January to December 2015. Off-label drug uses of each prescription were assessed and categorized according to drug specifications, and rationality of drug use was determined by referring to dispensatories and evidences. ADEs caused by off-label drug use were analyzed and compared with incidence of ADEs reported in this hospital.RESULTS Prevalence of off-label drug use in orthopedics outpatient prescriptions was 9.88%. Primary type of off-label drug use was over dose (57.42%), mostly occurred in aspecialist outpatient department (44.26%). Within all off-label drug uses, only 8.97% (32/357) prescriptions were evidence-based, and 4.76% (13/273) of total off-label drug use prescriptions induced ADE.CONCLUSION Off-label drug use generally exists in orthopedics outpatient prescriptions of this hospital. Further interventions should be adopted to promote drug rational use.


超说明用药 / 门诊 / 骨科 / 药品不良事件

Key words

off-label drug use / outpatient department / orthopedics / adverse drug events


王楠楠, 石秀兰, 邵艳清, 张文兴. 呼和浩特某三甲医院骨科门诊超说明书用药调查及相关不良事件分析[J]. 中国医院药学杂志, 2016, 36(22): 2019-2023 https://doi.org/10.13286/j.cnki.chinhosppharmacyj.2016.22.21
WANG Nan-nan, SHI Xiu-lan, SHAO Yan-qing, ZHANG Wen-xing. Analysis of off-label drug use and related adverse drug events in orthopedics outpatient prescriptions in a tertiary class A hospital[J]. Chinese Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 2016, 36(22): 2019-2023 https://doi.org/10.13286/j.cnki.chinhosppharmacyj.2016.22.21
中图分类号: R969   


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